❝ We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own. ❞
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CHKL 99 Reunion (串联久久同学会)
❝ Great brands don’t happen by accident. They’re carefully curated, easily recognisable friends we turn to when we need them. We’ve created a new direction and simple ideas to pull all the elements together for a brand identity that sings, “CHKL 99: Connecting Forever Alumni Gathering” (吉隆坡中华独立中学 1999年度毕业生: 串联久久同学会) Just a small invest of time…
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TSL Bestmas Manufacturing
❝ TSL Bestmas Manufacturing Sdn Bhd is an established manufacture and supplier of Dim Sum & Pau. TSL Bestmas has done the research towards customers need for their tasting of Dim Sum & Pau. They have a group of professional Dim Sum & Pau to suite the Muslim customers and wholesales market. TSL Bestmas have moved to a…
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Borneo Moringa Sdn Bhd
❝ Korporasi Pembangunan Desa (KPD), Sabah and The Mitomasa Sdn Bhd is now announce to set up a joint venture company, the “Borneo Moringa Sdn Bhd” to cultivate Moringa Oleifera in a large scale basis start with 200 hectares " 500 acres " in Nabawan town and to expand up to 600 hectares "1,500 acres"…
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